Major industry news from Valiant Glass on December 5

According to multi-party data analysis, due to the relief of the (COVID-19) new crown epidemic, the impact on social activities has gradually decreased. As well as the Federal Reserve’s moderate attitude towards interest rates, the capital market has greater confidence in maintaining interest rates below 5%, and major wine companies have raised their sales expectations for 2023.

Valiant Glass also made a preliminary analysis of the orders of major wine companies in 2023. The wine market will continue to grow in 2023. It is expected that the demand for the entire wine market will increase by 16% to 23% over the same period. At the same time, the continued reduction in sea freight rates will boost liquidity and will also bring about further expansion of demand. Valiant Glass will continue to expand production capacity and product structure to meet the needs of clients in 2023 and help partners continue to develop and expand the market.

Correspondingly, the company has also raised its revenue level for fiscal year 2023, which is expected to increase by 30%

Major industry news from Valiant Group on December 5


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