Do you know how glass bottles are made?

do you know how glass bottles are made?

Production process:
1. Raw material pre-processing. Grind the massive raw materials (quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, feldspar, etc.), dry the wet raw materials, and remove the iron from the iron containing raw materials to ensure the glass quality.
2. Batch preparation.
3. Melting. The glass batch is heated at high temperature (1550 ~ 1600 ° C) in the tank furnace or tank furnace to form a balanced liquid glass without bubbles and meet the forming requirements.
4. Molding. Put the liquid glass into the mold to make the glass products with the required shape. Usually, the bottle embryo is formed first, and then the bottle embryo is formed into a bottle body.
5. Heat treatment process. Through annealing, quenching and other processes, the stress, phase separation or crystallization in the glass can be removed or generated, and the structural state of the glass can be transformed.


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